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「Age of Cthulhu, Vol. 9: The Lost Expedition (Supplement)」:修訂間的差異

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於 2017年7月6日 (四) 08:28 的修訂


檔案:LostExpedition cover.jpg
The Lost Expedition cover

Publisher: Goodman Games

Product Code: GMG 7009

Publishing Year: 2016

Pages: 48

Cover Price: $24.99

Author: Jon Hook

Editor: Matthew Pook

Artists: Eddie Sharam (Cover) and Brad McDevitt (Interior), Tom Martin (Maps)

Graphic Design: Brad and Jess McDevitt

Setting: 1920s

Format: Hardcover and PDF

ISBN: #########-#


Deep in the Gobi Desert, the investigators discover a strange artifact amidst primordial fossils - a gateway to a conduit to travel throughout the cosmos, known as The Great White Space. Now, propelled to an alien world ruled by the Elder Things, a strange alien race of macabre scientists, and desperate to find a way home, the investigators must survive a hostile planet filled with mutant dinosaurs and the Elder Thing`s amorphous and putrid slave-beasts, the shoggoths!

Scenarios: Age of Cthulhu, Vol. 9: The Lost Expedition (Scenario)

Front Cover Text

Back Cover Text

Deep in the Gobi Desert, the investigators discover a strange artifact amidst primordial fossils - a gateway to a conduit to travel throughout the cosmos, known as The Great White Space. Now, propelled to an alien world ruled by the Elder Things, a strange alien race of macabre scientists, and desperate to find a way home, the investigators must survive a hostile planet filled with mutant dinosaurs and the Elder Thing`s amorphous and putrid slave-beasts, the shoggoths!

Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden history of the world, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920’s Call of Cthulhu game. Each adventure comes with copious player handouts, detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring universe.

Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming table. So dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to venture into the unknown ...

Comments / Trivia

Publication of this book was funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign.


Spoilers - Keepers Eyes Only

Players should not read any further.

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